BTS/ Fall Registration 2019
Welcome to ZenQuest's FIRST electronic Back-to-School/ Fall Registration!
To get started, take a look at our current class schedule below. The only schedule adjustment of note is that the Sunday AM Jiu-jitsu class (for ages 13 and up) will not be held at this time. All other classes are as shown.
To get started, take a look at our current class schedule below. The only schedule adjustment of note is that the Sunday AM Jiu-jitsu class (for ages 13 and up) will not be held at this time. All other classes are as shown.
Next, go to our "E" Class Selection Form and select your preferred classes by clicking on any of the photos below:
Lastly, please insure that your child(ren) are actively enrolled for the fall season to validate you class selections. For students on EasyPay or otherwise enrolled through September 2019, nothing more is required. For students who need to re-up their enrollment, this may be made by any of the following ways:
* by completing and submitting an EasyPay form, available at this link. This is the most convenient payment method, and locks your discounted tuition rate for as long as you stay on it. Completed forms may be sent via message, email, mail, or simply submitted at the ZenQuest front desk.
* by calling 413-637-0656 and providing payment information.
* by sending a check to the address below.
* by simply submitting payment at the ZenQuest front desk.
Here is a link to our Children's Tuition Guide. There are no changes to tuition rates at this time.
Mailings should be sent to : ZenQuest, 55 Pittsfield Road #10, Lenox, MA 01240. Enrollments for returning students will not begin until they actually return to classes. A hard copy version of the Class Selection via this link. Form For any additional information about your BTS/Fall Registration, please call 413-637-0656.