FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost? ZenQuest often provides an initial start-up offer to help students get started. Once your start-up offer ends you will have several choices available to continue your enrollment including an automatic payment option and different enrollment periods. The minimum enrollment period is one month, but longer enrollments and autopay provide discounts. We also have discounts for families, groups, military, law enforcement, and college students. We do offer an individual "Day Pass" primarily for visitors. For a full guide on our current tuition for adults click here, and for our children's tuition click here.
What is the Class Schedule and what are the age groups? For a full listing of our current classes and age divisions, please click here.
What will my enrollment cover? Enrollment for students over the age of 13 provides them with unlimited classes in the adult programs at ZenQuest. This means that students can participate in as many classes in any or all of the programs offered including Uechi-Ryu Karate, Demian Maia Jiu-jitsu, Sityodtong Thai Kickboxing, Strength & Conditioning and Mixed Martial Arts. ZenQuest also periodically offers special clinics for more advanced students at no charge to enrolled students.
Am I too old to start? Martial arts training is amazing for the mind, body and spirit at any age. ZenQuest has active students in their 80s and those students swear that the mindful exercise that they receive here keeps them healthy and more energetic. We've had countless students begin their martial arts experience in their 50s, 60s and 70s.
Can I do a trial class? With the safety concerns put in place recently we have discontinued trial classes at this time. Prospective students are welcome to take a tour of our facility and observe a class to get a feel for what that's like. Keep in mind that it can be difficult to judge a martial arts program by observing (or even trying) just one class. A new facility, environment, and activity can be a lot to take in . . . especially for younger students.
Will I get injured doing this? As with any activity or sport, there are some risks associated with martial arts training. However, ZenQuest does everything possible to provide a safe environment for all and minimize risks...so that injuries are actually very rare. In fact, when a student does pick up an injury its usually while doing another activity outside of the dojo! The instructors are also available to help and advise those with concerns about risks related to any previous injuries.
Can I train with a chronic injury or illness? Many adults have health concerns and/or chronic injuries that they may have when considering trying the martial arts. Over the years, we've seen a wide variety of issues that new students may be dealing with. In the majority of these situations, we can help the student work around their injury and adjust their training accordingly. In most cases, the student's health and injuries will improve as they improve their fitness level, strength, flexibility and coordination over time.
Will this help with fitness and weight control? Yes. Regular training at ZenQuest combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle WILL improve your overall fitness level greatly and help with body weight issues.
What gear is required? The gear or equipment required depends on which class you want to do.
Where can I get my gear? We have a shop with a range of training gear readily available including uniforms, gloves, and protective equipment, as well as a variety of custom items at discounted prices. Enrolled students receive a discount of 20% or more on items. Training gear can be acquired elsewhere, but students should check with instructors to make sure that it meets required standards.
How do the affiliations affect me? ZenQuest is affiliated with three parent organizations including the Demian Maia Jiu-jitsu Group, the Okinawa Karatedo Association, and Sityodtong Muay Thai. Each of these are recognized throughout the world as among the best in their respective arts. This affects you in the quality of what you are taught, the standards for promotions, and legitimacy of ranks that you earn. ZenQuest also hosts special clinics and seminars with figures recognized around the world as being leading authorities in their martial art.
How many classes am I required to take? Once enrolled it's completely up to you as to how many and which classes you attend. Some students like to just focus on one art while others prefer to cross train in different arts. We recommend attending two to three classes per week to maintain your health and fitness and progress well in your arts. If your schedule only allows you to attend less than that, it's OK. If you can do more than that you will have better health, fitness and progress.
Will I be required to spar or compete? No. Although we have some students that do, and have been very successful in MMA competition, the vast majority of people that train at ZenQuest do not compete. Students are not even required to participate in 'sparring' if they're uncomfortable with it. However, the sparring that is conducted in our regular classes is done on a level that is appropriate for 'recreational' participants, and is as safe as possible. For folks that do want to compete or spar at a more intense level, we have two sparring sessions each week.
Which program is best for self-defense? Each of the programs we offer are great for learning effective self-defense for the real world. If self-defense is a concern, please speak directly with the head instructors so that they can help you tailor your training according to your particular situation.
What are the instructors' qualifications? The Chief Instructors at ZenQuest are professional full-time instructors. They have a combined 65+ years of experience of training and teaching in the martial arts. Their ranks in each respective martial art are:
How do the ranks work? Each martial art offered at ZenQuest has it's own rank system certified by its parent organizations. These are as follows:
What is the Class Schedule and what are the age groups? For a full listing of our current classes and age divisions, please click here.
What will my enrollment cover? Enrollment for students over the age of 13 provides them with unlimited classes in the adult programs at ZenQuest. This means that students can participate in as many classes in any or all of the programs offered including Uechi-Ryu Karate, Demian Maia Jiu-jitsu, Sityodtong Thai Kickboxing, Strength & Conditioning and Mixed Martial Arts. ZenQuest also periodically offers special clinics for more advanced students at no charge to enrolled students.
Am I too old to start? Martial arts training is amazing for the mind, body and spirit at any age. ZenQuest has active students in their 80s and those students swear that the mindful exercise that they receive here keeps them healthy and more energetic. We've had countless students begin their martial arts experience in their 50s, 60s and 70s.
Can I do a trial class? With the safety concerns put in place recently we have discontinued trial classes at this time. Prospective students are welcome to take a tour of our facility and observe a class to get a feel for what that's like. Keep in mind that it can be difficult to judge a martial arts program by observing (or even trying) just one class. A new facility, environment, and activity can be a lot to take in . . . especially for younger students.
Will I get injured doing this? As with any activity or sport, there are some risks associated with martial arts training. However, ZenQuest does everything possible to provide a safe environment for all and minimize risks...so that injuries are actually very rare. In fact, when a student does pick up an injury its usually while doing another activity outside of the dojo! The instructors are also available to help and advise those with concerns about risks related to any previous injuries.
Can I train with a chronic injury or illness? Many adults have health concerns and/or chronic injuries that they may have when considering trying the martial arts. Over the years, we've seen a wide variety of issues that new students may be dealing with. In the majority of these situations, we can help the student work around their injury and adjust their training accordingly. In most cases, the student's health and injuries will improve as they improve their fitness level, strength, flexibility and coordination over time.
Will this help with fitness and weight control? Yes. Regular training at ZenQuest combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle WILL improve your overall fitness level greatly and help with body weight issues.
What gear is required? The gear or equipment required depends on which class you want to do.
- For the Uechi-Ryu classes a clean white Karate style uniform is all that's needed. Once the student is ready to participate in the sparring portions of the training, a set of sparring gear is needed. This consists of gloves, boots, headgear (optional for adults), a cup (m & f), and a mouthpiece. Additional or outside protective gear can be used, but must be approved by the head instructors.
- For Jiu-jitsu training a clean Judo or Jiu-jitsu style uniform must be worn for the 'Gi' classes. Colors other than white, blue, black, grey or green must be approved by the head instructors. For No-Gi or submission grappling classes, normal clean exercise clothing is used. This should not be of a style that interferes with training, or is too revealing. No additional gear is required for these classes, but the student should consider using a cup and mouthpiece (especially for sparring/rolling.)
- For Thai Kickboxing normal clean exercise clothing is used. This should not be of a style that interferes with training, or is too revealing. A clean pair of boxing gloves (preferably Thai style) and a pair of shin-guards are also required for these classes. The student should consider using a cup and mouthpiece (especially for sparring/rolling.)
- For Strength & Conditioning classes, normal clean exercise clothing is used. This should not be of a style that interferes with training, or is too revealing. No additional gear is required for these classes.
Where can I get my gear? We have a shop with a range of training gear readily available including uniforms, gloves, and protective equipment, as well as a variety of custom items at discounted prices. Enrolled students receive a discount of 20% or more on items. Training gear can be acquired elsewhere, but students should check with instructors to make sure that it meets required standards.
How do the affiliations affect me? ZenQuest is affiliated with three parent organizations including the Demian Maia Jiu-jitsu Group, the Okinawa Karatedo Association, and Sityodtong Muay Thai. Each of these are recognized throughout the world as among the best in their respective arts. This affects you in the quality of what you are taught, the standards for promotions, and legitimacy of ranks that you earn. ZenQuest also hosts special clinics and seminars with figures recognized around the world as being leading authorities in their martial art.
How many classes am I required to take? Once enrolled it's completely up to you as to how many and which classes you attend. Some students like to just focus on one art while others prefer to cross train in different arts. We recommend attending two to three classes per week to maintain your health and fitness and progress well in your arts. If your schedule only allows you to attend less than that, it's OK. If you can do more than that you will have better health, fitness and progress.
Will I be required to spar or compete? No. Although we have some students that do, and have been very successful in MMA competition, the vast majority of people that train at ZenQuest do not compete. Students are not even required to participate in 'sparring' if they're uncomfortable with it. However, the sparring that is conducted in our regular classes is done on a level that is appropriate for 'recreational' participants, and is as safe as possible. For folks that do want to compete or spar at a more intense level, we have two sparring sessions each week.
Which program is best for self-defense? Each of the programs we offer are great for learning effective self-defense for the real world. If self-defense is a concern, please speak directly with the head instructors so that they can help you tailor your training according to your particular situation.
What are the instructors' qualifications? The Chief Instructors at ZenQuest are professional full-time instructors. They have a combined 65+ years of experience of training and teaching in the martial arts. Their ranks in each respective martial art are:
- 7th Degree Black Belt/ Nanadan Masters Uechi-Ryu Karate issued in Okinawa by the Okinawa Karate Association
- Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu issued by Master Demian Maia
- Blue Monkol Instructor level issued by Kru Mark DellaGrotte
How do the ranks work? Each martial art offered at ZenQuest has it's own rank system certified by its parent organizations. These are as follows:
- Uechi-Ryu Karate (Belts) - White, Yellow Stripe, Yellow, Blue Stripe, Blue, Green Stripe, Green, Brown Stripe, Brown, Black Stripe and Black. For youth students there are also 'Hanbun' or black half-rank stripes given for each rank below black belt. There are also ten levels of black belt for advanced students.
- Demian Maia Jiu-jitsu (Belts) - White, Blue, Purple, Brown and Black. There are also four stripes for each belt color and levels of black and red belt for the advanced students. Students under age 16 have a separate rank system that includes White, Grey, Yellow, Orange and Green belts. These also have a series of bars and stripes.
- Sityodtong Muay Thai (Arm Bands) - White, Blue, Purple, Brown, Red and Black. There are also four stripes for each Prajiet/Arm Band color, and levels of Monkols/Head Bands for the chief instructors.

How do the age groups work? Children's classes at ZenQuest are sorted into age groups in order to provide the best and safest learning experience for each child. Our children's Karate age groups are follows:
How early can children start? Children as young as four years old can participate in Karate classes at ZenQuest and kids as young as seven years of age can attend Jiu-jitsu classes. Every child is different and some are ready to follow basic classroom structure and directions when they try martial arts and some need to wait a bit longer. Children who try classes and seem to need a bit more time can simply delay their start for a few months and try again.
What is the Class Schedule? For a full listing of our current classes and age divisions, please click here.
How much does it cost? ZenQuest often provides an initial start-up offer to help students get started. Once your start-up offer ends you will have several choices available to continue with enrollment including an automatic payment option and different enrollment periods. The minimum enrollment period is one month, but longer enrollments and autopay provide discounts. We do offer an individual "Day Pass" primarily for visitors. For a full guide on our tuition for ADULTS or CHILDREN click on the appropriate link.
What gear is required? The gear or equipment required depends on which class you want to do.
Where can I get my gear? We have a shop with a range of training gear readily available including uniforms, gloves, and protective equipment, as well as a variety of custom items at discounted prices. Enrolled students receive a discount of 20% or more on items. Training gear can be acquired elsewhere, but students should check with instructors to make sure that it meets required standards.
Will this help with fitness and weight control? Yes. Regular training at ZenQuest combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle WILL improve your overall fitness level greatly and help with body weight issues.
What will enrollment cover? Enrollment for students between the ages of 3 and 12 may attend as many classes in Karate and Jiu-jitsu as they like. Students over the age of 12 may attend unlimited classes in the adult programs at ZenQuest. This includes Uechi-Ryu Karate, Demian Maia Jiu-jitsu, Sityodtong Thai Kickboxing, Strength & Conditioning and Mixed Martial Arts. ZenQuest also periodically offers special clinics for more advanced students at no charge to enrolled students.
Do students get injured doing this? Although there are risks associated with the martial arts (as there is in any activity of sport), ZenQuest does everything possible to provide a safe environment for all and minimize risks. The instructors are available to help and advise those with these concerns on how to further minimize any risks.
Does my child have to compete? No. Although we have some students that do, and have been very successful competition, the vast majority of people that train at ZenQuest do not compete. Young students do participate in 'sparring' eventually as it is very important for self-defense and helps them understand all of the other training that they do. The sparring that is conducted in our regular classes is done on a level that is appropriate for 'recreational' participants, and is as safe as possible. For folks that do want to compete or spar at a more intense level, we have separate sparring sessions each week.
Which program is best for self-defense? Each of the programs we offer are great for learning effective self-defense for the real world. If self-defense is a concern, please speak directly with the head instructors so that they can help you tailor your training according to your particular situation.
Can my child join with a disability or illness? Many children have health concerns, injuries or other challenges that they deal with. Over the years, we've seen a wide variety of issues and challenges that students may have and have vast experience in helping them to have a successful experience in the martial arts. We can help the student work around their challenges and adjust their training accordingly. In most cases, the student's health and abilities will improve greatly as they up their fitness level, strength, flexibility, focus and coordination over time.
Where can I get my uniforms and gear? We have a shop with a range of training gear readily available including uniforms, gloves, and protective equipment, as well as a variety of custom items at discounted prices. Enrolled students receive a discount of 20% or more on items. Training gear can be acquired elsewhere, but students should check with instructors to make sure that it meets required standards.
How do the affiliations affect students at ZenQuest? ZenQuest is affiliated with three parent organizations including the Demian Maia Jiu-jitsu Group, the Okinawa Karatedo Association, and Sityodtong Muay Thai. Each of these are recognized throughout the world as among the best in their respective arts. This affects the quality of what is being taught, the standards for promotions, and legitimacy of ranks that are earned. ZenQuest also hosts special clinics and seminars with figures recognized around the world as being leading authorities in their martial art.
What are the instructors' qualifications? The Chief Instructors at ZenQuest are professional full-time instructors. They have a combined 65+ years of experience of training and teaching in the martial arts. Their ranks in each respective martial art are:
How do the children's ranks work? Each martial art offered at ZenQuest has it's own rank system certified by its parent organizations. These are as follows:
- COBRAS (Ages 10 1/2 to 13)
- DRAGONS (Ages 7 1/2 to 11)
- TIGERS (Ages 5 1/2 to 8)
- JR. TIGERS (Ages 4 to 6)
How early can children start? Children as young as four years old can participate in Karate classes at ZenQuest and kids as young as seven years of age can attend Jiu-jitsu classes. Every child is different and some are ready to follow basic classroom structure and directions when they try martial arts and some need to wait a bit longer. Children who try classes and seem to need a bit more time can simply delay their start for a few months and try again.
What is the Class Schedule? For a full listing of our current classes and age divisions, please click here.
How much does it cost? ZenQuest often provides an initial start-up offer to help students get started. Once your start-up offer ends you will have several choices available to continue with enrollment including an automatic payment option and different enrollment periods. The minimum enrollment period is one month, but longer enrollments and autopay provide discounts. We do offer an individual "Day Pass" primarily for visitors. For a full guide on our tuition for ADULTS or CHILDREN click on the appropriate link.
What gear is required? The gear or equipment required depends on which class you want to do.
- For the Uechi-Ryu classes a clean white Karate style uniform is all that's needed. Once the student is ready to participate in the sparring portions of the training, a set of sparring gear is needed. This consists of gloves, boots, headgear, a cup (m & f), and a mouthpiece. Additional or outside protective gear can be used, but must be approved by the head instructors.
- For Jiu-jitsu training a clean Judo or Jiu-jitsu style uniform must be worn for the 'Gi' classes. Colors other than white, blue, black or green must be approved by the head instructors. For No-Gi or submission grappling classes, normal clean exercise clothing is used. This should not be of a style that interferes with training, or is too revealing. No additional gear is required for these classes, but the student should consider using a cup and mouthpiece (especially for sparring/rolling.)
- For Thai Kickboxing (ages 13 and up) normal clean exercise clothing is used. This should not be of a style that interferes with training, or is too revealing. A clean pair of boxing gloves (preferably Thai style) and a pair of shin-guards are also required for these classes. The student should consider using a cup and mouthpiece (especially for sparring/rolling.)
- For Strength & Conditioning (ages 12 and up) classes, normal clean exercise clothing is used. This should not be of a style that interferes with training, or is too revealing. No additional gear is required for these classes.
Where can I get my gear? We have a shop with a range of training gear readily available including uniforms, gloves, and protective equipment, as well as a variety of custom items at discounted prices. Enrolled students receive a discount of 20% or more on items. Training gear can be acquired elsewhere, but students should check with instructors to make sure that it meets required standards.
Will this help with fitness and weight control? Yes. Regular training at ZenQuest combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle WILL improve your overall fitness level greatly and help with body weight issues.
What will enrollment cover? Enrollment for students between the ages of 3 and 12 may attend as many classes in Karate and Jiu-jitsu as they like. Students over the age of 12 may attend unlimited classes in the adult programs at ZenQuest. This includes Uechi-Ryu Karate, Demian Maia Jiu-jitsu, Sityodtong Thai Kickboxing, Strength & Conditioning and Mixed Martial Arts. ZenQuest also periodically offers special clinics for more advanced students at no charge to enrolled students.
Do students get injured doing this? Although there are risks associated with the martial arts (as there is in any activity of sport), ZenQuest does everything possible to provide a safe environment for all and minimize risks. The instructors are available to help and advise those with these concerns on how to further minimize any risks.
Does my child have to compete? No. Although we have some students that do, and have been very successful competition, the vast majority of people that train at ZenQuest do not compete. Young students do participate in 'sparring' eventually as it is very important for self-defense and helps them understand all of the other training that they do. The sparring that is conducted in our regular classes is done on a level that is appropriate for 'recreational' participants, and is as safe as possible. For folks that do want to compete or spar at a more intense level, we have separate sparring sessions each week.
Which program is best for self-defense? Each of the programs we offer are great for learning effective self-defense for the real world. If self-defense is a concern, please speak directly with the head instructors so that they can help you tailor your training according to your particular situation.
Can my child join with a disability or illness? Many children have health concerns, injuries or other challenges that they deal with. Over the years, we've seen a wide variety of issues and challenges that students may have and have vast experience in helping them to have a successful experience in the martial arts. We can help the student work around their challenges and adjust their training accordingly. In most cases, the student's health and abilities will improve greatly as they up their fitness level, strength, flexibility, focus and coordination over time.
Where can I get my uniforms and gear? We have a shop with a range of training gear readily available including uniforms, gloves, and protective equipment, as well as a variety of custom items at discounted prices. Enrolled students receive a discount of 20% or more on items. Training gear can be acquired elsewhere, but students should check with instructors to make sure that it meets required standards.
How do the affiliations affect students at ZenQuest? ZenQuest is affiliated with three parent organizations including the Demian Maia Jiu-jitsu Group, the Okinawa Karatedo Association, and Sityodtong Muay Thai. Each of these are recognized throughout the world as among the best in their respective arts. This affects the quality of what is being taught, the standards for promotions, and legitimacy of ranks that are earned. ZenQuest also hosts special clinics and seminars with figures recognized around the world as being leading authorities in their martial art.
What are the instructors' qualifications? The Chief Instructors at ZenQuest are professional full-time instructors. They have a combined 65+ years of experience of training and teaching in the martial arts. Their ranks in each respective martial art are:
- 7th Degree Black Belt/ Nanadan Masters Uechi-Ryu Karate issued in Okinawa by the Okinawa Karate Association
- Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu issued by Master Demian Maia
- Blue Monkol Instructor level issued by Kru Mark DellaGrotte
How do the children's ranks work? Each martial art offered at ZenQuest has it's own rank system certified by its parent organizations. These are as follows:
- Uechi-Ryu Karate (Belts) - White, Yellow Stripe, Yellow, Blue Stripe, Blue, Green Stripe, Green, Brown Stripe, Brown, Black Stripe and Black (or Junior Black Belt for students under the age of 14.) There is also a special rank for children showing exemplary leadership called 'Sempai' between Black stripe and Black or Junior Black Belt. For ranks for students age 13 or over please see the Adult ranks above.
- Demian Maia Jiu-jitsu (Belts) - For students under the age of 16 our Jiu-jitsu ranks follow the International Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Federation. These are as follows: White, White & Grey, Grey, Grey & Black, Yellow & White, Yellow, Yellow & Black, Green & White, Green, Green & Black. Each of these levels also have three stripes on each of them. For ranks for students age 16 or over please see the Adult ranks above.