There are a couple of updates to our class schedule now. First, the Friday evening Jr. Tigers Karate class (ages 41/2 to 6) will now be from 4:30 to 5:15 PM. This was done to make things a easier for parents with later school bus times. Also on Friday evenings is the addition of a Jiu-jitsu Fundamentals class for ages 12 and up. This will provide newer students an opportunity to focus on basic movement and basic strategies of this amazing art. Sensei’s Mark and Connie will also be taking over the Adult Karate class on Friday evenings. Big thanks to Sensei Justin for all of his help over the years as he heads off to finish college!
For our youth students and parents there are just a few EASY steps towards recommitting to your goals in the martial arts this season! By now, you should have received a Fall Registration Packet in the mail. This packet included a new Class Schedule , a Class Selection Form, and current Membership Guide. There are no changes to tuition or fees at this time. However, please consider our EasyPay tuition option this fall. This provides convenience, a tuition discount, AND locks your tuition rate...so that it cannot go up for as long as your enrolled with it. Applications are available upon request.
Please remember that student lists will be generated for each youth class in the schedule! Your Class Selection forms should be filled out and returned as soon as possible (with tuition payment through September if needed.) Also, appropriate programs will be highlighted for each student on their form (i.e. Tigers, Dragons, etc.) This is based on the student’s age, size, and experience level and is intended to maximize the student’s development in the martial arts. Please be sure to complete this portion of your form, and be sure to update any changes to contact information, too.
Students who have continued through the summer season should complete their selection form to confirm their class choices. Students not enrolled through September should also include tuition payment with their form submission.
So, get those forms in, and we’ll see you soon for more fun and learning at ZenQuest!