HSD consist of techniques and tactics from Kickboxing, Jiu-jitsu, Karate, Boxing and Krav Maga. A typical class consist of warm-ups & stretching, essential striking drills, effective escape strategies, restraint tactics, and "live energy" drills.
The difference between this and MMA is that the focus is on using different martial arts for practical self-defense, rather than as a combat sport. This program is based on Connie and Mark Flynn's fifty-plus years of combined experience in the martial arts.
This program is ideal for general self-defense, "bully-proofing", and even for the prevention of sexual assault. This is great preparation for those returning to school or going off to college!
ZenQuest is now accepting students for Hybrid Self-Defense. Adult & Teen classes are on Mondays at 7:15 PM and Wednesdays at 7:30 PM. Our Children's class is on Wednesdays at 4:00 PM. The fees are as low as $79 per month (based on an annual enrolment.) Registration for HSD will also make you eligible to attend any of the other classes at ZenQuest! To register, or for more information call 413-637-0656.