We believe that this is the result of years of doing everything we can to provide the best facility, instruction, and training environment possible. Our facility is very functional and ‘user friendly’ for students, families, and visitors. It is designed to optimize the experience for everyone. We are constantly working to improve the gym inside and out and are excited about plans for the future.
We take great pride in providing world-class instruction in all of the programs we offer. With three internationally recognized parent organizations, our teaching standards and methods are guaranteed to be high quality and authentic. Also, with a combined experience of over 70 years between Senseis Connie and Mark, as well as an experienced support staff, we’re happy to help others optimize their own martial arts journey.
The training environment we’ve created may be our biggest accomplishment and reason why our students and families support us as they do. ZenQuest will always be a place of mutual support and respect, where anyone who is sincere about learning can thrive. Instructors and students know that welcoming new people is crucial in maintaining a friendly environment for all.
Another element worth a mention is that we set high standards for students to advance in their chosen arts. Rank promotions are based on effort, progress, and personal development. The ranks earned in each of the arts that we offer are recognized around the world. This may seem like a matter of course, but too often in the martial arts world students are pushed through ranks based on memorization, false confidence, and monetary gain.
All of this comes somewhat against the odds. Although students are shielded from the behind the scenes challenges as much as possible, some of these have been pretty intense over the last 20-plus years. They include a recession, a pandemic, a less than ideal ownership transition, loss of facility, and far too much drama at times. However, a core group of dedicated students and instructors have stuck with it through it all and helped make ZenQuest the amazing place that it is today.
We would like to thank our staff, students, and families for their continued support. We would not receive the recognition that we have over the last seven years without them. We will continue to do everything we can to make it all even better! Thanks again Team ZenQuest!!!