Many of you have chosen to continue with your enrollments and contributions through this unprecedented time, and we can't thank you enough for your understanding and loyalty to ZenQuest. As a special thank you to those who are doing this, we have begun providing exclusive 'virtual support' with online classes, videos and tips. For now, we've created a group on Facebook called 'ZenQuest Remote Training Support.' Eligible students and families can go to the group via the Facebook ZenQuest page and submit a request to join in. We will also begin posting this exclusive content on our YouTube channel for those who prefer that. For help with this please contact us.
For those who would like access to this, but need to update their enrollment can either visit our website to purchase gift certificates, OR contact us directly at 413-637-0656 or [email protected]. We will continue providing a limited amount of additional support material on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram periodically. Thanks again for your support.