Despite all of this, it still makes sense to exercise intelligent precautions in the gym/dojo. Its no secret that ZenQuest cancelled classes for the last week of April. We did this in order to prevent a major spreading event at the gym. Several students had reported testing positive for COVID then some instructors actually did, too. We took steps to minimize the impact of this and keep everyone as safe as possible. From what we can tell this actually worked well as we had few reports of additional cases after the closure.
Going forward we are asking students to be cautious and refrain from attending classes if they have flu-like symptoms, or believe they have been exposed to someone who has COVID. If a student or instructor does test positive they should also refrain from attending classes for the recommended 7 day minimum, or until they test negative. Also, upon returning to training, said individuals should plan on masking for an additional 5 days while in the dojo.
We will continue to do frequent sanitizing of surfaces, and requiring students to sanitize well before each class. Face coverings are also encouraged for students who have elevated risk factors or with family members at risk.
Any missed classes can be made up at the student’s convenience. If needed students may make up classes by cross-training in another martial arts. For students who are unable to do so, please contact us and we will be happy to make an adjustment to your membership accordingly. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding in this situation.