* Masks For all students ages 12 and above masks are now optional in the gym/dojo. This applies to both vaccinated and non-vaccinated students. Students ages 11 and younger are required to continue wearing masks until it is deemed safe for them to go without.
Update: Based on the improving pandemic metrics and discussions with local health officials masks are optional at ZenQuest for children ages 11 and younger as of Monday, July 12.
* Entry & Exit Students and caretakers can enter and exit through the front door again. Two-way traffic is restored, and students may move around the building more freely again.
* Signing In Students and caretakers will once again sign themselves in at the front desk. Please note that tuition due dates are highlighted on the attendance sheets for students enrolled incrementally ahead of their due dates.
* Common areas Common areas such as the reception area, locker rooms, and playground are open again for student and caretaker use. Our viewing area will remain closed for the time being.
* Storing Belongings Shoes and belongings may be left in the cubicles in the front area or in locker-room lockers. Lockers are available for rent on a more permanent basis. Students will have access to their belongings but should not leave class to do so unless directed.
* Sanitizing & Schedule We will continue to clean the mats between classes, so the class schedule will remain the same at this time. Students are also encouraged to sanitize hands and feet before classes.
* Class Attendance Fully enrolled students are eligible to attend unlimited classes once again but are encouraged to stick to a schedule if possible. Younger students enrolled with ‘Partial Participation’ are limited to one class per week of course.
* Class Formats There will no longer be social distancing spaces designated in the respective classroom areas and class formats will return to pre-pandemic formats. Students are expected to still be respectful of each other’s space and follow all class etiquette protocols.
We will also be making announcements in class to reinforce the noted adjustments, effective Tuesday, June 1st. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns going forward. Once again we are truly grateful for the students and families who've supported us through the quarantines and pandemic months!