For years now we’ve offered an autopay or ‘subscription’ option for membership here at ZenQuest. This the most convenient and low-maintenance choice available to our students. It also provides a discounted rate AND locks the student’s tuition so that it cannot increase for as long as they remain enrolled with it. To activate an “EasyPay” enrollment, students simply fill out a form designating an account to make payments from, and that’s it! This is best for serious students who want to attend classes on a continuous basis for a longer period of time.
As an alternative to our EasyPay autopayment option, students can now choose to receive monthly reminders in the form of an invoice sent by email. This will also provide an option to simply pay via the invoice on a monthly basis. Although this offers a lot of convenience, it does not provide the other benefits that our EasyPay does. This may work well for students who are somewhat seasonal or just not comfortable with a subscription type of commitment. This is only available on a monthly basis.
Students and parents who choose to enroll with incremental memberships paid in person must realize that they are ultimately responsible for making payments according to their chosen increments of time (one to twelve months.) This ‘old school’ system requires them to keep track of their tuition dues dates and make payments on or before those dates. We do our best to provide helpful reminders on the attendance sheets at the front desk, but students need to use these sheets and respond when a reminder is present. In situations where younger students sign themselves in but cannot respond to reminders it is, again, the caregivers’ responsibility to keep track of tuition.
Given the fact that space is at a premium at the gym/dojo at this point, we are going to have to start being a bit more strict with some enrollment policies going forward. For students who seem to struggle with the incremental enrollments we recommend our EasyPay or Invoice payment options. Either of these can easily solve any problems with tuition. For those who want to stick with incremental enrollments in person, we ask that you stay mindful of tuition due dates and make payments accordingly. Students who prove to be unable to do that will ultimately be given a choice between the EasyPay and Invoice options.
Going forward students will not be allowed to attend classes without an active membership. Also, for tuition payments made more than five days after a student’s due date a $10 late fee will be charged. These policy items are actually noted in the registration paperwork that each student or parent signs at the student’s initial enrolment. We’ve been lax about this recently, but need to resume enforcing these rules again.
Please contact us if you have any questions on this or would like to go ahead with ZenQuest’s Easy Pay or Invoice options.