Join us for the return of “Movie Night” for Children on Saturday, August 19. This is a fun way for the kids to have some pure fun and relaxation with their friends at ZenQuest, and their parents to have some down-time of their own!
The event will start at 6:00 PM, with the first of two children’s movies starting at 6:15 PM. The second movie will start at about 8:00 PM after a brief intermission. Pick-up will be no later than 9:15 PM after the second movie, and younger students may be picked-up after the first movie if needed.
Kids may bring pillows, blankets, bean-bag chairs, sleeping-bags, etc. to sit on. Kids may bring drinks and snacks, but they must be in spill-proof containers.
There is no charge for enrolled students, and a $5 for non-students. To have your kids participate, simply let us know how many will be attending. This will be our first movie night in many years, so join us for a night of fun!