As part of ZenQuest’s ’Spring Cleaning’ the name plaque display for it’s Uechi-Ryu students was reorganized and updated. Since moving to the school’s current location all of the ranks were placed on the same horizontal line on the upper part of the west wall. However, due to the need to accommodate more names another line was added above that one. Now, all Dan or black-belt ranks will reside on the upper line and all Kyu or colored-belt ranks will be placed on the lower line.
One new rank was added to the display to accommodate Sensei Mark’s promotion to 8th degree black belt or Hachidan. This is the first time in the history of the school that someone has achieved that rank (going back to 1972!)
Another new rank was added to the display for 7th level or Nanakyu (Blue Stripe.) Until now, students received the nafuda at 6th level or Rokkyu (Blue Belt.) The change comes due to Senseis Connie and Mark feeling that younger students should be rewarded with their name plaques sooner than they generally had been. So, ZenQuest’s Uechi-Ryu students currently with the rank of blue-stripe are now being awarded a nafuda name-plaque to hang on the wall. Newer students can also look forward to getting their ’nafuda’ a little sooner, and students with them already can feel good about the growth of the school.
We recently had several students receive plaques for achieving Blue Belt, too. When a student receives the name-plaque and places it on the dojo wall, its kind of a big deal. They are considered to be not only representing their own progress, but also their family name. So, students and families should feel a great sense of pride as they watch the name-plaque progress up through the ranks.
So, congratulations to all of the students receiving name-plaques! Please continue and keep up the good work.