We ARE limited in the number of students allowed in each class and many of our classes are full or nearly full at this time. In order to accommodate current trends in attendance we have made some adjustments to the class schedule. These are as follows:
¨ We've added a class on Wednesday evenings for Jr. Tigers and Tigers students (ages 4-1/2 to 8-1/2) at 5:00 PM. The existing Saturday 'Tigers' children's Karate class is discontinued for the time being.
¨ We've also added a Pythons Jiu-jitsu class (ages 6-1/2 to 12-1/2) on Friday evenings at 4:15 PM.
¨ The existing Saturday 'Pythons' children's Jiu-jitsu class will shift from 9:15 AM to 9:00 AM and be held in the front room (rather than the back room.) For this, students should arrive 5 to 10 minutes early.
¨ An additional Muay Thai class (ages 12 and up) has been added to Saturdays at 9:15 AM. We will still offer our 11:45 AM class as usual.
These changes took affect on Monday, September 21st. A complete schedule can be seen and printed from the website or picked-up at the front desk. Please contact us with any questions and let us know if you would like to change any class reservations.