We actually have a lot to be optimistic about with the new year. With the COVID vaccines out now, we will all see a gradual reduction in infections as time progresses. This will mean reduced risks for everyone including ourselves, our friends, and our families.
As the infections go down we will also see a ‘slow roll’ back to normal in our lives. We’ll be free to visit relatives and friends again, which is one of the most difficult consequences of the pandemic. We’ll also be able to shop more normally, visit restaurants, resume more activities, go to see movies, and attend concerts and the like.
At ZenQuest a return to normal will be amazing, too. This will mean going back to unlimited class participation, partner training, and taking face-coverings off. We have all had to adjust to some crazy modifications in training with the safety measures required by law. There are several newer students at the gym that have never had the opportunity to train without these precautions in place. Imagine what things will be like when they can experience ‘normal’ training! For more experienced students this will be a much welcomed change back to the training they know and love.
Returning to normal also means resuming our amazing seminars with some of the most notorious characters in the martial arts world. This includes people like Demian Maia, Hirokuni Yamashiro, Mark DellaGrotte, Rick Hawn, and others. These are incredible opportunities to learn from leading authorities in Jiu-jitsu, Karate, Muay Thai, Judo, wrestling, etc. Look for these events to start up again later this year.
Normal training will, once again, mean normal social interactions again, too. In the dojo, we’ve had to eliminate many things that we took for granted like hand shakes, fist bumps, and ’abraços’ or hugs in Jiu-jitsu. These things may seem insignificant at first, but they go a long way towards comradery and team building among training partners. Just being able to see people’s faces again will be nice, too!
Of course, until it is safe to do these things we must stay vigilant and follow all of the safety precautions in place. We are all TIRED of these things, but they are the way to stay safe until the COVID situation is under control. We need to continue to sanitize, wear face coverings, and social distance...for now. For anyone who travels or is exposed to someone who does so, they also need to follow guidelines for quarantining and testing before they can participate in classes again.
So with the start of 2021, we need to stay focused and look forward to getting back to normal in the new year. Happy New Year!