The first wave of our brand new sweatshirts has been wiped out, but we will have more available soon. These are black with the school name on the front, and our three core martial arts noted on the back. These will be available in children’s and adult’s sizes (up to XXXL) and costs $45 each. A limited supply will be available again soon, so pre-ordering will guarantee you the sizes you need. T-shirts with the same design will also be available in the next order for $28 each.
An order of custom Karate Gis will also soon be available. These will be high quality uniforms with custom patches and print. They’ll be available in all sizes and cost $60 each.
Lastly, we will soon have more custom ZenQuest training shorts costing $45 each. These will be slightly better quality than before based on adjustments to previous versions.
Let us know if you’d like to pre-order any of the items coming. We’re shooting for June/July on the next shipment.