Beginning this month, for the first time ever, we'll be introducing daytime Thai Kickboxing classes. These will be on Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:00 to 1:00 PM and will be perfect for folks who's schedules prevent them from attending evening classes, or just as an alternative time to attend. Thai Boxing, or Muay Thai, is known as “the art of eight limbs” as it employs the hands, feet, elbows and knees. Training in Muay Thai is incredible for overall fitness, strength and conditioning, cardio-vascular health, self-defense, and STRESS REDUCTION! Getting started in this amazing art requires no prior experience or training, but only the desire to learn and work!
We'll be also be adding a Martial Arts Strength class on Monday evenings at 7:30 PM. This class will focus on developing functional strength using free-weights, kettle-bells, medicine balls, and body-weight exercises. This class will be an amazing compliment to Martial Arts training, but also great for today’s busy lifestyles. This class also requires no prior experience to get started.
The last addition to our 2018 schedule will be a class called "Haito" on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 PM. This will cover a wide variety of material including essential striking drills, escape techniques, important ground-fighting strategies, stretching/yoga, meditation, and more! This is intended to compliment any of the training at ZenQuest, and requires no prior training to attend.
We hope you’ll give these new classes a try, and enjoy them thoroughly. So, make your New Years resolutions happen at ZenQuest, and we'll see you in class. Happy New Year!