Convenience Once you set up your Easy Pay virtually nothing else is required of you to maintain your tuition at ZenQuest. Payments are automatically made each month through an account of your choice. There is no need for keeping track of interval enrollments, wasting time with payments, or awkward social distancing issues.
Tuition Discount Enrolling via Easy Pay automatically reduces your tuition to the equivalent of our three-month or quarterly rates. In other words, you get to pay the discounted monthly rate as if you had done a three-month enrollment.
Tuition Lock Enrolling in Easy Pay locks your tuition so that it will not go up at all when there are periodic tuition increases that happen. The longer you stay enrolled with it, the more your tuition is effectively discounted. Some long time students are taking advantage of as much as 50% off.
Commitment Easy Pay is perfect for students who want to commit to a longer term study of the martial arts. Enrolling this way takes the indecision and inconsistency out of your training and leads to real results.
To take advantage of enrolling this way all that is needed is to fill out an Easy Pay form and submit it at the ZenQuest front desk. Tell us which credit card account you would like to use for this and we take care of the rest. A double payment is made on the ‘front end’ of this enrollment and that extra month can be used on the ‘back end.’
Please contact us if you have any questions on this or would like to go ahead with ZenQuest’s Easy Pay.