In an abundance of caution, reopening is being done with several safety measures in place. Although the commonwealth has managed the situation well up to this point, we all must do our part in continuing the current trend. So, our reopening will be done in four phases with the most intense safety measures in effect at first. These will gradually be relaxed with each of the following phases.
Our Phase I safety measures include one way traffic through the building as much as possible. Parents are required to drop off youth students and additional seating is provided outside in the playground area. Indoor waiting areas, locker rooms and the fitness room are off limits in this initial Phase. Students should arrive in their training attire, and are subjected to ‘no touch’ temperature checks upon entering the building. They are also required to sanitize hands and feet before entering training rooms. We are encouraging online, phone-in, or automatic payments as an additional precaution. Of course, students should wait to rejoin if they have at-risks family members at home, or think that they may be feeling ill.
Class sizes are limited to eight at this time so it is very important that students make reservations and notify us on which classes they will be attending. To properly ‘social distance’ students are given assigned areas in their classes. Classes are focusing on instruction and individual exercises and drills, with no partner training. Portions of classes will consist of video presentations of drills, sparring, history and information appropriate to each martial art and age group. We are also using ‘grappling dummies’ for Jiu-jitsu and punching bags for Muay Thai classes in the early stages of reopening. Some fun new children's games are being played based on social distancing.
We have arranged for plenty of positive ventilation using a combination of window fans in the training rooms to pull air out, and other windows and doors strategically opened. We are also using a ’fresh air exchange’ system installed in the building during class times now as well.
Face coverings are required for everyone in Phase I. ZenQuest is supplying custom ’Ninja’ masks at no charge while supplies last. These ‘Gaiter’ style coverings are made of a Lycra material which balance protection with enabling the wearer to breathe during activity. Class intensities are at a level that works with face coverings while their use is in effect. This, too, will be relaxed in succeeding phases.
Mats, surfaces, and equipment are all being disinfected before each class and at the end of each day. Class durations are slightly shorter to allow for cleaning and drying between classes. A professional cleaning service is also be used at the end of each week to disinfect the entire facility.
As of now, we are waiting for the Governor’s office to provide more information and guidance on the duration of this initial phase and details on what follows. We will provide more information as it becomes available. For now, we are just happy that we can reopen and continue providing the best facility, instruction, and training environment possible.
The effects of COVID19 have been difficult for everyone. But, with the threat of the virus gradually subsiding in the northeast we can begin to look forward to gradually getting back to a more normal life and the activities that we love. With some caution and intelligent strategies we are confident that we WILL return to normal while staying as safe as possible.
For more information on our Phase I safety measures, visit our website at www.zenquestmac.com. We appreciate your continued support and hope to see you in training again soon!